Prince. It doesn’t matter if they are talking about an actual prince, when I hear this name, I always think of the one and only Prince. Four years have passed since he left this world, but his impact lives on.
I was pretty young when I first heard of Prince. “I Wanna Be Your Lover” was the first song of his I ever heard. I was quite young at the time, and my parents weren’t exactly running out to buy me this album. When “Purple Rain” came out, we knew every song on that soundtrack. At this stage of my life, I own nearly everything he has released, even posthumously. If you haven’t checked out his CD with him singing 15 of the songs he wrote for others, you should. An amazing collection for sure.
His spirit lives on and always will. There will never be another Prince. I’m at a loss for words, honestly. This is such a sad day for all who love him. Prince, I Wish U Heaven. ♥
Some club pics and videos below.