So, to start this little delving into the minds of the staff of Totally 80’s we had to start with the Queen of the Club herself, DJ Bree Rayne (aka Breecheese, aka Boss, aka The blonde who can’t spell VW, cause she has a Porsche!)
Bree described herself as: Friends would say I’m still that valley girl stuck in the 80’s. I would mostly agree. I love the people I love with all my heart. I love all things purple and unicorn.
Here we go:
Best Sandwich: Turkey Club no rabbit food (aka lettuce)
What’s the one thing you own that you should throw out: Stuff I had in my locker from high school
Scariest Animal: Alligator
Apples or Oranges: Apples (Fuji)
Have you ever asked someone for their autograph and if so who: No, but a comic I went to see once asked me if I wanted HIS autograph, and I said sure
Favorite Action Movie: the Original Matrix
Favorite Smell: Lilacs
Least Favorite Smell: Poop
Most Used App on your phone: Instagram
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Flat or Sparkling: Sparkling
Coke or Pepsi: if I HAVE to drink soda, Coke
You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life, what is it: Kashmir – Led Zepplin
Describe the rest of your life in five words: Exciting, scary, loving, fun, quick
She sounds like a cool chick! LOL ♥
Cool chick indeed. I rate this five yachts.
I’m not sure if 5 yachts is good or not… hahaha!
Depends . . . on the barnacles!