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…And The First Set At The NEW Totally 80s!

Totally 80s has moved to it’s own island! You can find us by clicking HERE

Longtime DJ Zakar and Host Zariel

Halloween is Bree’s favorite holiday, and she has already decked the place out. Costumes welcome.

The new Deck on the beach. Yes, the club is beach themed now.

Speaking of the beach, visit the other side of the island and sit by the fire, or enjoy a balloon ride through the sky. It’s a great place to just hang out with friends.

The Arcade. You can find many classic 80s games here, and modern SL games like Greedy Greedy.

The Cinema and the Bowling Alley. Every Sunday night at 8 pm SLT is Movie Night, come see a classic 80s movie here!

There is all kinds of fun stuff here. Bumper cars, a roller coaster, the ferris wheel, a swimming pool, and more.

Dizzy yet? Thrills and chills on the rollercoaster!

Browse the shops in the plaza near the club.

Bree keeping an eye on Trippz things to make sure nothing gets out of hand.


During the very first set at the new Totally 80s, just minutes after the set has started –

[2023/10/08 08:08] TRIPPZ BLACKSKY (blacksky.tomorrow): hey Marcus…. do you want to be the one to officlally break the new place in? to metaphorically “cut the ribbon”?

Marcus Hancroft: xD

Marcus Hancroft: Well sure!

TRIPPZ BLACKSKY (blacksky.tomorrow): ok

TRIPPZ BLACKSKY (blacksky.tomorrow): everyone take note, he agreed to this haha

Flame Thrower: Set to Easy

*Trippz sets Marcus on fire*

Marcus Hancroft: LMAO!

Shaddy (shadrack.inglewood): Why is Marcus enfuego?

aquarius denimore (aquarius27): marcus is on firrrrre

Marcus Hancroft: Trippz is here that’s why! HAHAHAHAHAH!

TRIPPZ BLACKSKY (blacksky.tomorrow): time from Grand Opening to first Fire – 10 minutes!

TRIPPZ BLACKSKY (blacksky.tomorrow): we’re right on track

Marcus Hancroft: LOL

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  1. Pingback:Website updated and (almost) fully running! – Totally 80's Club

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